2014-07-10, 18:00
Reg.datum: maj 2013
Inlägg: 504
Sv: Fest i byn - Gözleme i Skala Mistegnon
"Gözleme is a fine example of culinary traditions crossover in the Mediterranean basin. It is the typical street food in Turkey. Its name is as divine as its taste. “Göz al-melek”, the root of the word, means the eye of an angel and it is probably given by its eye shape, in combination with its ambrosial taste. The origin on this delicacy makes circles around the Aegean Sea, from Ancient Greece to the Byzantine kitchens and the great chefs of Ottoman Topkapi Palace, and then back to the islands of the North Aegean. On the culinary world map, the gözleme is considered a typical Turkish dish. However, the Mytilenians, residents of the Greek island of Lesvos, take tremendous pride in their gözleme. It is featured in the menu in the majority of the local restaurants. Plus, every summer, there is the Gözleme festival on the bay of Mystegna, a small fisherman village, where the local ladies cook a vast amount of these pastries to treat the visitors." http://phyllo-sophy.blogspot.se/2013...us-x-none.html
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