PayPal - send or receive payments by email
I'd be curious to know how many of you know of/use PayPal as a method of sending/receiving money.
PayPal ( www.paypal.com ) is an easy and secure way to send money to (or receive money from) anyone with an email address. This can be particularly useful to you if a hotel in which you wish to book a room for your vacation asks you for a deposit. Rather than spending the time to go to a bank, or fax/email sensitive personal data and credit card info to someone you do not know, you can simply use PayPal. It's even better than internet banking, since there are banking fees involved on either side of the transaction. With PayPal, the recipient does not get to see your credit card information, and it only takes a few clicks to complete the transaction. Unfortunately, most hotels in Grekland do not yet accept PayPal. However, the situation is changing. I am personally helping out 4 Grekiska öar hotels with their email correspondence and reservations, and accept PayPal on their behalf. If you'd like to share your thoughts, ideas, experiences or have questions about paying via PayPal, by all means, drop me a note here or email me at andreas@kalimera.se. Disclaimer: I do not have any business affiliation with PayPal myself. I am just one of their satisfied users. |