Kalimera Grekland

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Gammal 2005-04-07, 21:32
dimitriss avatar
dimitris dimitris är inte uppkopplad
Reg.datum: mar 2005
Ort: Grekland, Athens
Inlägg: 419
Standard Greece and the nordic countries

The Department of Foreign Languages of the University of Athens in coperation with the Association of Friendship among Nations have the honour to invite you to the cultural event:

on Monday, 11 April 2005
at 18:30 hours
at the "Constantinople Association"
46, Dimitriou Soutsou str
Ambelokipi metro station


Danmark : At reise er at leve.
To travel is to live. Hans Christian Andersen's visit to Greece in 1841,
Margit Baab Henriksen
Finland: Suomi,sauna ja sisu.
An insight into Finnish culture, history and traditions, Leonidas Banakos.
Norge: Hellas i syd-Norge i nord. To land i Europa med mange fellestrekk
Greece-Norway. Two countries with common characteristic features,
Liv Nilsen Garras
Sverige: De svenska vikingarnas kontakter med Grekland.
The Swedish Vikings and their connections with Greece, Eva Lancing

The lectures will be given in their respective languages and simultaneously translated into Greek bu students.

Musical interludes will accompany the event with:
Bouzouki: Jan Gustav Schaanning
Guitar and song: Alexis Garras, Lakis Papathermis
Piano an song: Lambrini Gioti
Also participating: The choir of the Scandinavian Church in Athens.

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