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Gammal 2008-04-20, 11:59
Kratylos Kratylos är inte uppkopplad
Reg.datum: maj 2005
Inlägg: 80
Standard Prices in cafeterias and bars allover Greece

As all of us have experienced the last 7 years (after the introduction of euro) there was a takeoff of the prices of products and services in almost every sector.
A special case for Greece is the case of the prices in cafeterias and bars.
Since Greece has a special "cafe culture" (at least compared to most of west european countries) the high prices are always a topic for discussion between greek people but also between visitors and tourists.
You all know that for the vast majority of greeks (especially the younger) to go out means spending some time (usually more then 1 hour in some cases it can be 2-3 hours) in a cafeteria (during the day and the evening) or going out for a drink in a bar/club/bouzoukia for the night (after 12).
I let out of the discussion here the mezedopoleia/restaurants/rebetadika since its another case, perhaps in another thread.

Anyway althought most of us always critisize the owners of the cafes/bars and the deficient regulation of prices from the state services, we finally end up drinking our frappe in those places so in a way accepting as a fact the situation and showing zero consumer consience.

In this thread i would like to hear your opinion and possible ways of reaction to this rip off! It would be nice also to provide updated info about prices in cafes/bars in various places of Greece.

Here is a small list of the prices in Patras.

1) Frappe/Nescafe/fredo/capuccino/chocolate

In Agiou Nikolaoy street (the most "in" place in the centre of the city) the prices have allready reached 4 euro.
In Marina (beside the sea) and Rio prices vary between 3 - 4 euro.
The cheapest you can find in Plateia Olgas and in 2-3 other cafes( kazarma,gerokostopoulou) where the prices are between 2,3-3 euro.
In plateia olgas (the cheapest place in the city) there are 2-3 cafeterias that charge frappe for 2 euro and greek coffee 1 euro.
Still its a nice place and many students prefer it. The atmosphere is nice and relaxed but not trendy!
Fredo and capuccinos cost in the "trendy" places more then 3,5 euro and they can reach 4,5 euro!

2) Fresh juices

Unfortunatelly the prices are exploding. So for a fresh orange juice you pay 4 euro in most of the "trendy" cafeterias in the city or Rio.
You are lucky if you find a place where the juice is charged 3 euro.
The funny(!) thing is that the prices are the same during winter and summer, that means that there are huge surplus profits during winter when the orange prices in Greece are rediculusly low.

3)Juices from tetrapak boxes

Prices very from 2,5 to 3,5 euro, but usually the price is 3 euro.

4) Greek coffee (Ellinikos) and espresso

The greek coffee remains the cheapest option , you find it for 2 euro in almost all cafes (diplos ellinikos though costs the same as a frappe).
Thinking that they prepare it NOT in a briki but with a machine (bad quality) the price of 2 euro is extremely high.
Espresso (single) also costs 2 euro in agiou nikolaou.

A toast (cheese + ham) in most cafeterias costs 2 euro.

I continue the price list in next post, but it would be nice to hear prices from other places especially islands.

Senast redigerad av Kratylos den 2008-04-20 klockan 12:21.
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