Slutet för GA Ferries
Enligt webbupplagan av Parosweb har nu slagits sista spiken i kistan för GA Ferries. Alla fartygen har tagits ur trafik och belagts med kvarrstad av de Grekiska myndigheterna. Rederiet är skyldiga 19 miljoner Euro och alla femhundra rederianställda har skickats hem.
Källa; Parosweb Boats Confiscated All the boats of the company G.A. Ferries have been confiscated as it was unable to pay its enormous debts. Anthi Marina, Milena, Jet Ferry 1, Rodanthi, Dimitroula, Romilda, and Diana were all withdrawn from their routes to the Cycladic islands and the Aegean. The total debt the company owes is in the region of 19 million euro, and 500 employees have been left without work. As a consequence of this situation, connection problems have occurred specifically in the island of Fournous, but also in other islands in the Cyclades and the Aegean. From the beginning of November these routes will be covered by other boat companies. (Koini Gnomi 2729/23-9) Arne |