Har precis läst ut "Eleni" av Nicholas Gage, på rekommendation av er på Kalimera; både här på forumet har ni skrivit om den i flera trådar och på fb.
Å vilken skildring, vilket arbete han gjort, sonen till Eleni som skrivit boken, han har intervjuat minst 400 människor, samt sin egen familj och inte minst har han använt sina egna minnen från det han var barn. Han hade kunnat vara en av de deporterade barnen som aldrig kom tillbaka. Så fint berättat i romanform med kärlek både till modern som offrade sitt liv för honom och till Grekland: Man blev väldigt berörd. Rekommenderas ännu en gång! Är smått chockad över detta faktum i grekisk historia, paidomazoma - hopsamlandet av av barn. Alltså 70 år sedan som så många grekiska barn - 28 000 st - deporterades av gerillan till andra kommunistländer - alltså efter andra världskriget och sen inte fick komma tillbaka efter inbördeskriget förrän långt senare - om ens det om de hann överleva. Har också förstått att man helst inte vill tala om det idag. (Wikipedia använder till exempel ordet evakuera...) Men några av dessa människor lever ju än... Hittade den här infon som överensstämmer med den i boken: "During the civil war of 1946-1948, Greek Communists kept records on all the children aged three to fourteen in all the areas they controlled. In March 1948 these children were gathered together in the border regions, and several thousand were taken into Albania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia. The villagers tried to protect their children by hiding them in the woods. The Red Cross, despite the enormous obstacles placed in [its] path, managed to count 28,296. In the summer of 1948, when the Tito-Cominform rupture became apparent, 11,600 of the children in Yugoslavia were moved to Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Poland, despite many protests from the Greek government. On 17 November 1948, the Third UN General assembly passed a resolution roundly condemning the removal of the Greek children. In November 1949 the General Assembly again demanded their return. These and all subsequent UN resolutions remained unanswered. The neighboring Communist regimes claimed that the children were being kept under conditions superior to those they would be experiencing at home, and that the deportation had been an humanitarian act. In reality the enforced deportation of the children was carried out in appalling conditions. Starvation and epidemics were extremely common, and many of the children simply died. Kept together in "children's villages," they were subjected to courses in politics in addition to their normal education. At age thirteen they were forced into manual labor, carrying out arduous tasks such as land reclamation in the marshy Hartchag region of Hungary. The intention of the Communist leaders was to form a new generation of devoted militants, but their efforts ended in failure. One Greek called Constantinides died on the Hungarian side fighting the Soviet Union in 1956. Others managed to flee to West Germany. From 1950 to 1952 only 684 children were permitted to return to Greece. By 1963, around 4000 children (some of them born in Communist countries) had been repatriated. In Poland, the Greek community numbered several thousand in the early 1980s. Some of them were members of Solidarity, and were imprisoned after the introduction of martial law in December 1981. In 1989, when democratization was well under way, several thousand Greeks still living in Poland began to return home. " Källa ska ha varit denna enligt en historesajt, men länken finns inte längre. http://www.grecoreport.com/the_black_bo[/url] ... il_war.htm (Rapport utförd av Council of Europe) |